moonlight ruminations
This series was made at a time when I kept waking up at night with racing thoughts, having a hard time falling back asleep. I would often see the moon from my bedroom window which added a mystical and magical dimension to the whirlwind of inspiration I was experiencing.
in the beginning
This body of work is a celebration of the profound gift that is all women's vital force and potential to breathe life into the world.
sculptural paintings
In this series both natural and man-made materials were used to create a visual representation of patterns found in nature.
tribal fans
This series is a celebration of ancient crafts from Mesoamerica and Africa offering glimpses of cultural sensibilities and nature reverence.
imagined landscapes
Using a composition of organic materials, this series celebrates the organizational chaos at play in nature,
arrows and necklaces
This collection was inspired by various natural and man-made items. Gathered and combined, they form decorative arrows and necklaces. Friends also contributed found artifacts to enrich each piece's story.